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10 Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and China           职业健康
                 中国工程院院士和全国工程设计勘察大师10 人                  Engineering Survey and Design Masters                                     Occupational Health
                               有突出贡献的中青年专家6 人            6 Middle-age and Young Specialists with outstanding contributions                                                                                                                 关于我们

                              享受政府特殊津贴专家196 人            196 Specialists who enjoy special government allowance
                                                                                                                                       中国建筑不断完善职业健康安全管理体系,规范职业                            China Construction continuously improves its occupation health    About Us
                                        教授级高工992 人       992 Professorate senior engineers
                                                                                                                                   健康安全操作程序,加强员工职业健康监护和职业病防治工                         and safety management system, and standardizes its operating
                       具有高级专业技术职称人员13,364 人              13,364 senior technical personnel                                                                                            procedures. We strengthens health monitoring and occupational
                                                                                                                                   作,开展员工职业安全健康培训,定期组织员工体检,完善                         disease prevention, conducting relevant trainings, providing regular   可持续经营
                                                                                                                                   职业健康档案,跟踪员工职业健康情况。公司自有员工以管                         medical examination, perfecting occupation health files, and tracking
                                                                                                                                                                                      the occupation health of our employees. Most of our employees are
                                                                                                                                                                                      management staff, and no obvious cases of occupational disease
                                                                                                                                       公司关心员工心理健康,组织专人小组对工期紧张                         found in 2011.
            薪酬福利                                                   China Construction attaches great importance to incentive-                                                             The Company cares about the mental health of its employees,    Sustainable Operation
            Remuneration and Benefits                          based remuneration and benefits, and has improved its evalsuation    项目的人员进行心理疏导,引导员工自主缓解工作和生活                          organizing a professional team to provide psychological counseling for
                                                               mechanism based on job performance, gradually shifting from using
                                                               a diversified salary distribution system to a uniform remuneration                                                     those who worried about the short construction periods, and guiding
                                                               system.                                                             高员工应对挫折能力;开展有益于员工身心健康的专题讲                          employees to release stress related to work and life independently.   全产业链创新
                                                                   The Company has strictly implemented a national paid leave      座,普及心理健康知识,帮助员工树立正确的健康意识。                          We have established a psychological counseling center to help
                                                               system, and offers an average of 10 days paid leave to all employees                                                   employees deal with mental problems and enhance their ability to
            位性质的业绩考核机制,逐步实现由多种薪酬分配制度并                          annually. We pay social security insurance to all on-duty employees,                                                   cope with frustration. We have also organized various lectures that are
            存向统一的薪酬分配制度转变。                                     and our social security coverage among staff is 100%. We have           案例:建立健康心理立体维护体系                                beneficial to the mental health of our employees in order to popularize
                                                               established a corporate annuity policy, and opened annuity accounts     中国建筑卡塔尔有限公司以工人营地为服务中心,建                        psychological health and foster the correct sense of health.
                                                               for employees to improve the pensions and insurance of Company      立工人与公司管理人员谈心制度,通过心理咨询室、热线
            假10天;为在岗员工足额缴纳社会保险,社保覆盖率                           employees. We have also developed a share incentive scheme that                                                            Case Study: Establishing an All-round Protection System for    Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
            100%;落实企业年金工作,建立员工年金账户,提高员                         allows management and backbones to share in the fruits of the       电话等渠道,帮助员工正确认识自身心理特点,增强员工                          Psychological Health
                                                               Company’s development.                                              对情感纠纷、环境变化、人际关系、工作生活压力的调节                              China Construction Qatar Co., Ltd focused on its services in its
                                                                   In terms of benefits, we have formulated relevant provisions    能力。                                                workers camp, and established a dialogue system between workers
            进管理者和重要骨干共享公司发展成果。                                 and favorable policies for employees who have been working abroad                                                      and managements. Through its psychological counseling center,   质
                公司在福利待遇方面向长期服务于海外的员工倾斜,                        for long time regarding holidays, rights of spouses to accompany                                                       hot lines and other channels, the Company helped employees to     量
                                                               partners, overseas career development, repatriation, and provide care                                                  correctly understand their own psychological characteristics, and
            制定休假、配偶随任、职业发展、回国安排工作等相关规                                                                                                                                                                                                       Quality
                                                               and living and working assistance for employees’ families.                                                             enhanced their ability to release the stress from emotional disputes,
            定和优惠政策,并为员工家属提供生活、工作等方面的关                                                                                              培训与发展                                              environmental changes, interpersonal relations, working and life.
            心和帮助。                                                                                                                  Training and Development                                                                                安

                                                                                                                                                                                          China Construction persists in its human resource concepts of    Safety
                                                                   China Construction encourages its employees to engage in                                                           “Focusing on people and their individuality” and constantly promotes the
            民主管理                                               management and strengthens its management of trade unions. The      计的全员覆盖,促进员工发展。                                     full involvement of its employees in education and training, performance   环
                                                               Company has a 99% establishment rate and the employee participation
            Employees' Engagement in                           rate in trade unions is 97%. The Company also organizes and attracts    公司以岗位培训和青年培训为重点,建立具有公司特                        evalsuations, and career planning so as to drive their development.    境
            Management                                         subcontractors and migrant workers to engage in management and                                                             By focusing on job and youth training, we have formed our    Environment
                                                               participate in trade unions. The  participation rate is 56% and 67%,   色的培训体系。公司制定《关于加强和改进教育培训工作                       training system with characteristics. We formulated the Opinions on
                                                               respectively. Trade unions at all levels have made factory affairs   的意见》,明确培训目标、经费来源等事项,保障培训工                         Strengthening and Improving Education and Training, and outlined
                中国建筑鼓励全员参与民主管理,加强工会组织建                                                                                                                                                our training goals, sources of funding and others issues to ensure the
                                                               transparent, formulating the evalsuation Methods on Transparent      作顺利进行。
            设,建会率99%,员工入会率97%,公司还组织和吸引分                        Managerial Affairs in Factory, and disclosing issues in the major decisions                                            smooth training.                                       工 员
            包人员参与民主管理,外施队伍建会率56%,农民工入会                         of enterprises and the rights and interests of employees.                      专业化                         职业化                         国际化                                   Staff
                                                                   China Construction has improved its system for the employee
            率67%。各级工会深入开展厂务公开工作,制定了《厂务                                                                                                        Professional training       Occupational training       International training
                                                               representative congress, and given full play to its role. The Company
            公开工作考核办法》等相关制度,逐项公开涉及企业重大                          has also established a series of systems that cover dialogue between           领导岗位培训                                                                                         会 社
            决策、职工切身利益的问题。                                      the administration and employee representatives, tour inspections of           For leaders                 应届生入职培训                     海外员工培训
                                                               employee representatives, among others, to earnestly protect employees’        专业骨干培训                      Induction training for graduates  Training for overseas staff     Society
                公司健全员工代表大会制度,充分发挥职代会作用,                                                                                                       For specialists
                                                               rights to information, participation, expression and supervision.                                          项目经理培训
            建立行政与员工代表对话、员工代表巡视等制度,切实保                              China Construction emphasizes daily communication with its                 紧缺人才培训                      Training for project manager  外语培训
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Foreign language training
            障员工的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。                               employees, and responds to their opinions and suggestions in a timely          For badly-needed professionals  ……                      ……
                                                               manner through grassroots investigations, regular seminars, and                专题培训
                                                               suggestion boxes.                                                              Special training
            谈会、设意见箱等方式,及时了解员工的意见和建议。                                                                                                          ……

       078  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 079
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