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Page 94 - shehuizeren2011
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促进当地产业发展                                           Promoting the Development of Local Industries                           Case Study: Housing Dream Came True
                                                                                                                                       Over the past 20 years, Algeria has achieved environmental and social stability and is thriving economically. Its population has increased from
                                                                   Since some countries lack industry standards and specification, the
                公司针对一些缺乏行业标准及规范的地区,把先进的                                                                                            11 million in 1961 to 33 million in 2011. However, the rapid growth of its population has resulted in a severe housing shortage which is impacting
                                                               Company introduces advanced management approaches and technology                                                                                                            关于我们
            管理和技术经验带到当地,填补当地空白,带动当地建筑                          to these countries, filling local gaps and boosting the development of   social stability in Algeria. The Algerian Government is therefore  committed to building large scale, affordable housing. China Construction is involved
            业发展,促进中国行业规范标准“走出去”。                               the local construction industry to promote the standards of Chinese   in this project. The Company has helped realize the housing dreams of many Algerian people. From 2001 to 2011, China Construction undertook 8
                                                               construction industry to “go global”.                               million m  houses; and in 2011 it had completed the construction of 950,000 m  of housing.               About Us
                根据所在地各方面条件不同、工程项目分类不同、项                            In accordance with the actual conditions and project classifications
            目要求不同等因素,公司加大当地采购比例,带动当地建                          and requirements of the areas in which it has construction projects,    案例:资助阿尔及利亚最佳实习生到中国学习考察
                                                               the Company increases its proportion of local procurement to boost                                                                                                          可持续经营
            筑市场发展。2011年,本地采购率在25%以上。在中东等                       the development of local construction markets. In 2011, the local       2011年12月,首批阿职业教育培训部选拔的“十佳工人”在中国开始了为期7天的参观学习。工人代表们参观了央视新
            地区当地采购或从项目附近第三国采购率96%。                             procurement rate was more than 25%. In regions such as the Middle   址、天津中新生态城、梅江会展中心等项目以及尊龙凯时公司的考培中心,增长了见识的同时也增强了建设阿尔及利亚的决心。
                                                               East, 96% of the Company’s procurements come from the host or nearby
                                                               countries .                                                         参观结束时,队长(阿职业教育培训部总监)奥斯曼先生表示非常感谢尊龙凯时公司能够提供这样宝贵的参观培训机会,希望中
            海外社区发展                                                                                                                 建阿尔及利亚分公司敞开大门,多接受阿国工人与实习生,以促进阿尔及利亚职业培训教育的快速发展和现代进程。                                                      Sustainable Operation

                公司积极参与当地社区建设,利用公司专业优势,支                        Development of Overseas Community
            持当地交通、饮水、卫生、教育等公共基础设施建设,参                              China Construction strives to be involved in local community                                                           Case Study:  Financing Algeria Best Interns to China for Study
                                                               development, and utilizes its professional expertise to support                                                            In December 2011, the first group of students selected by the
            与保障房建设,改善当地人民居住环境。                                 affordable housing and infrastructure construction projects such as                                                    Algeria Vocational Education and Training Department began their   全产业链创新
                公司投身项目所在国的公益活动,帮扶当地弱势群                         building roads, water supply, sanitation and education facilities to help                                              7-day visit and study program in China. The worker representatives
                                                               improve local conditions.                                                                                              visited the new site of CCTV, the Tianjin Zhongxin Eco-Park, the
            体,促进了公司与当地文化环境和谐相处。公司参与赤道                              The Company actively engages in public activities in the host                                                      Meijiang Conference and Exhibition Center and the training and
            几内亚的募捐活动,捐赠350万非洲法郎用于改善贫困居                         country, and helps local vulnerable groups in order to promote                                                         examination center of China Construction. The visits contributed to
                                                               harmony with local residents. China Construction participated in
            民居住条件、救助干旱受灾民众。                                                                                                                                                           broadening the students’ vision and consolidated their resolution
                                                               charitable activities in Equatorial Guinea, donating 3.5 million African                                                                                                     Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
                                                               francs to improve living conditions for poor people and assisting                                                      to contributed to Algeria’s development. At the end of visit, Osman,
                                                               people in drought-stricken areas.                                                                                      the head of group (General Director of the Algeria Vocational
                 案例:刚果(布)国家1号公路                                                                                                                                                       Education and Training Department) expressed his gratitude to China
                刚果(布)国家1号公路项目位于自然环境恶劣的森                            Case Study:  National No.1 Highway in Congo                                                                        Construction for the training and learning opportunity, and extended
            林沼泽地带,面临物资运输困难、水电缺乏及疟疾等热带                              The National No.1 Highway in Congo is located in forest swamp                                                      his hope that the Company would welcome more workers and interns   质
                                                               areas with harsh natural environment.  This meant that the Company                                                     in the future to further promote rapid development and vocational     量
            病困扰的诸多难题。中刚两国员工不畏艰苦,在当地修建                          faced many problems related to material transportation, insufficient                                                   education and training in Algeria.
            出一条平坦大道,建立了村村通网络。项目组还为村民修                          power and water supply, and the disturbance of tropical diseases such                                                                                                        Quality
                                                               as malaria, among others.  However, Sino-Congo employees overcame
                                                               these difficulties by building a flat road and then a connecting network
            (布)装备和公共工程部部长埃米尔•乌奥索表示,1号公路                        between villages. In addition, the project department built wells and                                                                                                         全
                                                               schools, improving the living environment for local people. Amir Vuoso,      荣誉及利益相关方评价
                                                               Minister of the Congo Ministry of Equipment and Public Works, said           Honors and Stakeholders' Comments                                                               Safety
                                                               The No.1 highway is indispensable for Congo people to fight against
                案例:中国建筑建立刚果(布)希望小学                                                                                                                                                                                                         环
                中国建筑开展对玛雅玛区学校援建活动,建立了玛雅                                                                                                巴哈马大型海岛度假村项目开创了海外工程的新模                             The Large Island Resort project in the Bahamas has initiated     境
            玛区希望小学。玛雅玛区议员、区长代表玛雅玛区人民,                                                                                              式,项目的顺利实施将对中巴两国政治、经贸往来做出重                          a new model of overseas engineering. The smooth development of    Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                      the project will greatly contribute to political, economic and trade
            对此表示了衷心感谢,并将刚果(布)的国家格言“团                                                                                               大贡献,对进一步充实和丰富两国关系内涵、不断开创中                          exchanges between China and Bahamas, and will play an important
            结、劳动、进步”作为赠言,与项目部共勉。                                                                                                   巴友好合作新局面起到重要作用。                                    role in further enriching bilateral relations, and creating a new
                                                                                                                                      ——中共中央政治局委员、中央政法委副书记  王乐泉                       situation for Sino-Bahamas cooperation.                工 员
                                                                                                                                                                                            Wang Lequan, Member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central
                                                                                                                                                                                      Committee and Deputy Secretary of Commission of Politics and  Laws    Staff
                阿尔及利亚近20年来社会治安稳定,经济繁荣发展,                                                                                               中国建筑是建筑企业排头兵,什么工程都能干,干的
                                                                                                                                                                                          China Construction is the vanguard of the construction industry
            人口从1961年的1100多万激增到3300万。人口的迅速增长                                                                                        都是放心工程!希望中国建筑再接再厉,永做援建先锋!                          and is capable of undertaking any kind of project and delivering   社
            导致了住房严重紧缺,住房问题已成为当今影响阿尔及利                                                                                                                     ——国家发改委副主任  穆虹              you with a quality project. I hope that China Construction can make     会
                                                                                                                                                                                      persistent efforts and be the pioneer in aid construction forever.
            亚社会稳定的一大民生问题。阿尔及利亚政府为此制定了                                                                                                                                                                                                       Society
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mu Hong, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform
            大规模的居民保障性住房建设计划。中国建筑参与住房建                              Case Study: Building Hope Primary School in Congo                   共和国(指刚果共和国)的年青人们要永远记住马                                                               Commission
            设,响应并支持了阿尔及利亚政府的这一项民生举措,同                              The China Construction 5th Bureau carried out aid activities in   永贝原始森林里正在书写的传奇故事,这是一个伟大的时                         The youth of the Republic of Congo should remember the legendary
                                                               the Maya Maya, and built the Maya Maya Hope Primary School. The
            时也帮助了众多的阿尔及利亚百姓圆了拥有一套住房的梦                                                                                              代。要记住中国人的恩情。                                       story that is written in Mayombe forest. This is a great story  and we
                                                               councils and Head of the district expressed their heartfelt thanks to
            想。2001年至2011年,中国建筑陆续承接了800万平方米                     the Company on behalf of local people, and sent the Congo national          ——刚果(布)总统夫人  安特娃内特•萨苏女士                    must remember the kindness of Chinese.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Antoinette Sassou, Wife of President of Congo
            的住房,仅2011年度就完成了95万平方米。                             motto “Unity, Labor and Progress” for encouragement.

       092  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                                                                                                                                              2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 093
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